Thursday, November 13, 2008

Such a PAIN

So this morning while I enjoyed my daily, and very deserved, cafe con leche I started doing my usual technological activities: Checking my e-mail, reading the news, etc. before getting to my chores. There was one headline about dating which I instinctively skipped over but then came back to again cause there wasn't really anything on the headlines that appealed to me; There was a statement I had heard probably a million times 'Love Hurts'. So a little later, half of a cafe con leche in hand, I thought back on those words and started dissecting them a little. Maybe I, on this beautiful morning, I could once and for all crack the code!!! So I began brainstorming, and after several minutes of intense thought I came up with my answer..Love dosen't hurt, love is awesome. Yes, I know what you're thinking, 'V, you're an idiot.', But let me finish my thought here I swear it will make sense by the time I'm done. (Side note.. my damn dog won't stop barking in my face..I'm going to lose it) Anyway, back to the subject at hand, it is my opinion that 'love' doesn't hurt, its what we do with it or to it that hurts us. I'll give you an example: I once had love, and it was beautiful but I let the opinions of others become more important to me then my own so I made it go away. And right at that moment and for many years after that I felt pain.. but I would never go as far to say that 'Love Hurts' because when the love was with me it was great. It was only when it was taken away that it hurt. So no, I don't believe that love hurts.. its whatever negative situation you associate with it that hurts. See I told you that if you let me finish I'd make sense eventually. *cheers*