Sunday, October 5, 2008

My mother and her interesting way of speaking!!

I am sure that most of you guys have a person in your life who amuses you just by the choices they make when putting sentances together. My mother is mine.. and here are a couple of golden nuggets that she has recently thrown at us. Enjoy!

"Son of a motherless pig!!" - I dont even know what this means!

"Cagate en la mierda." - Translated this means 'Crap on the crap' ... only my mother lmao


Maria Valcarce said...

I have this overwhelming fear of leaving this comment, since I am the subject of this here blog. But here it goes; I am not amused by the implication that I solely am responsible of the author’s humor. I can clearly remember a book of quotes “The Quote Book" that was around several years ago. It was filled to rim of curious if not hysterical anecdotes from the author herself, which would prove a more delicious read. In this lost book there are tons of interesting interchanges with friends and unsuspecting random people. I think the author should , indeed must enter some of these here and let the subscribers decide on what is the most outrages, funny or simple strange conversations.

V said...

Ok, to be fair yes.. we've all had our doozy's of statements. And yes, they were immortalized by a little 'quote book' that we used to keep. Here are a couple that I can remember off the top of my head...

CAV: Running in the nude is the equivalent of swimming in the rain!!

JV: *valley girl accent* what?... Why?

JB: It's twat, on twat, on twat action over here!

V: Listen.. I'm very prompt, and I encourage everyone around me to be prompt as well. If I were running for president that would be my slogan. America, be prompt!

V said...

JB: Horse love is unconditional.

Jiggidy said...

i think i know where the quote book is.. i gotta look when i get home, but i think i know where it is..

CV: "look, you're stupid.. but! wait a second.. you are also an idiot" lol

GIRLS: "hi everyone!"
JB: "But he's just one guy"
(that one will always crack me up lol)