Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Flickers of Light

As I sit here in 96 degree weather wishing I had chosen to wear something a little lighter I can't help but smile a little when I think about certain family members. And even as I catch my breath between customers I can't shake this feeling like somehow I had let myself overlook something so important. Amidst the confusion and chaos that is my normal life I had a moment of clarity today.. don't worry it's really not as dramatic as I'm making it out to be. See.. sometimes people can step up, even though you have no real reason to believe that they will or can. I, myself, have lost allot of faith in people throughout the years and you know what? I had yet to be proven wrong. Not that I have just yet...but every now and then there is a flicker of the person some people could be if they just let go of all the baggage they're always carrying around.

I guess its just nice to know that when shit goes down there are people close by who wouldnt let one instant pass before reaching out.

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